

Once upon a time there were a pig, a fox and a crazy big man. The fox was very smart, but he wasn't brave. The pig was very brave, but he was a little airhead. The crazy big man was always drinking and eating McDonalds hamburguers, but he had a big heart and he loved animals.
One day they went to the forest to have a picnic. The crazy drunken man drank a lot of Martinies and he started to dance and sing very badly. The fox and the pig saw their friend and decided to do the same.
Dancing and dancing, night arrived and they looked for a lamp post, but the post wasn't there.
Walking and walking, the big crazy drunken man hit the lamp post and said:
"SHIT! ! ! ! ! My whisky bottle is broken, I can't drink any more!", and he started to cry. The fox went to encourage his friend, but the pig said: "We are lost, we will die here!"
And then, the big, crazy drunken man started to cry again because he was very sensitive. The fox had an idea:
"We can light a fire to make the lamp post work."
And the pig said: "Yeah! We can light a big fire, like the troglodytes!" "We can go and look for a troglodyte in the forest"- said the big, crazy drunken man.
And then the pig said: "That's impossible! We're going to make fire with a stone, and some branches."
The crazy big drunken man didn't believe that troglodytes didn't exist any more, and the pig had to explain so, and the fox had to do fire, but he was afraid of fire, and he said: "I can't make fire, I'm afraid of fire."
The pig, who had a little more brain, explained the story of the troglodytes, and so the fox made fire even though he wasn't brave. Thus, the fox was brave, the pig was smart and the big, crazy, drunken man died of an etilic coma.
And that's the PSICODRAMA of the fox, the pig and the crazy big drunken man that rests in peace.

Paco, Francesc, Marc C.

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